The FUNGGii Lab is a dual headed monster of a lab having 1 foot in plant-microbe community and ecosystem ecology linkages and 1 foot in exploring how diverse students identities contribute to and are impacted by in-class learning experiences. Ultimately, the lab is interested in diversity - ecosystem function linkages regardless of plant-microbes, plant community, or within classroom.
Broadly, we are interested in the biotic and abiotic contexts that shape both composition of ecological communities and the functioning of ecosystems. We combined tools from microbial, community, ecosystem, and macroecology to address questions within plant, plant-microbiome, and soil microbial communities. We use a combination of microcosm, greenhouse, manipulative field, and large-scale observational experiments to explore: 1) the drivers of biodiversity at local and global scales, 2) how fine-scale changes in plant-microbiomes scale to influence community interactions and ecosystem function, 3) how global change will re-shape interactions among microbial communities, plant communities, plant microbiomes, and ecosystem function and 4) how do multiple student identities shape student comfort within STEM classrooms and retention in STEM disciplines.
What are the drivers of biodiversity at local and global scales?
Since the time of Wallace and Darwin, global biodiversity patterns have fascinated scientists; however, the most diverse area in the world, the soil, still remains a mystery. To understand the biodiversity and abundance patterns of belowground communities, as well as the factors that drive them, we conducted a meta-analysis synthesizing 325 globally distributed microbial communities with undergraduate collaborator Nick Hendershot (Hendershot et al. in review). Overall, we found that unlike aboveground organisms, the diversity and abundance of soil microbial communities show no ubiquitous trend with elevation or latitude (temperature). Further, we found no pattern in abundance or diversity with precipitation, soil pH, land-use history, taxonomic group, or biome type.
As a follow-up, we focused strictly on plant-symbiotic fungal communities to explore and predict global distribution patterns of plant-associated fungal diversity and abundance. Combining fungal distribution data from the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Chinese Tibetan Plateau, northern Sweden, and the Swiss Alps with previously published fungal communities, we found no consistent pattern in fungal distribution across climatic gradients, even though plant host distribution is tightly linked to temperature. As a follow up, we have explored the site-specific factors that shape fungal distributions across climatic gradients, by combining observational and manipulative field and pot experiments in the greenhouse and the field.
Do fine-scale changes in plant microbiomes scale to influence community interactions and ecosystem function across the landscape?
Changes in the composition of microbiome communities can alter plant host phenotype and performance, which can scale to shape plant community dynamics and ecosystem function. Using mesocosm approaches, we have demonstrated that changes in diversity and composition of microbiome communities regulate host function. Specifically, we have shown that microbiome strain and community composition influences host gene and metabolite expression, which, influences host phenotype, photosynthetic efficiency, and productivity in model plant species, Populus deltoides and trichocarpa (Fig 1). However, these studies reveal that changes in gene expression or phenotype are not easily predicted using predictive genomics or plant responses to single-strain inoculations, suggesting that microbe-microbe may drive the outcome of microbiome-host function interactions. Linking microbe-microbe and microbiome-host interactions to natural plant community dynamics and ecosystem functioning is a research priority.
How will global change re-shape interactions among microbial communities, hosts, and ecosystem function?
Global change alters plant productivity and carbon allocation to symbionts, which feedback to alter the structure and function of belowground endophytic fungal communities. To explore how global change is re-shaping the distribution of plant and fungal communities and the subsequent feedback to community composition and ecosystem function, I am currently collaborating within two globally-distributed, manipulative experiments that explore linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem function. I am working within the Nutrient Network (NutNet) to explore the response of root and leaf fungal endophyte communities to nutrient addition and herbivory at 30 globally-distributed sites. This work has revealed that biodiversity loss of the plant community mediates biodiversity and functioning in leaf and root endophyte communities. Additionally, within the Warming and Removal experiments in Mountains (WaRM) network, I am exploring on how warming and biodiversity loss impacts soil microbial communities and ecosystem-level carbon fluxes at 12 sites globally. Within both research networks, I address critical global change questions while being able to contextualize site-specific results within long-term biogeography, climatic properties, edaphic properties, and disturbance history.
How do multiple student identities shape student comfort within STEM classrooms and retention in STEM disciplines?
Empirical evidence overwhelmingly supports the value of implementing active-learning pedagogies (ALPs) to improve student performance, to reduce achievement gaps in under-represented groups, and to enhance well-being and social classroom climate. However, the social aspects of ALPs, may differentially impact students who possess one or more identities that have been historically marginalized in science, such as sexual orientation, political affiliation, religion, race/ethnicity, or first-generation status. Recent research by our group has demonstrated that nearly all students identify with at least one minority social identity, often several. However, research has focused primarily on single identity facets like binary gender or ethnicity/race. Social interactions among peers and instructors may heighten awareness of social differences for students that that identify with multiple marginalized identities, leading to feelings of isolation, reduced sense of belonging, reduced engagement, and reduced performance within ALP courses. The proposed project will measure a broad-suite of social identities salient in STEM classrooms to understand how identities shape perceptions of in-class interpersonal relationships with peers and instructors, perceptions of institutional inclusivity, perceptions of disciplinary inclusivity, and how these factors impact retention of marginalized identities in STEM majors and careers.
Broadly, we are interested in the biotic and abiotic contexts that shape both composition of ecological communities and the functioning of ecosystems. We combined tools from microbial, community, ecosystem, and macroecology to address questions within plant, plant-microbiome, and soil microbial communities. We use a combination of microcosm, greenhouse, manipulative field, and large-scale observational experiments to explore: 1) the drivers of biodiversity at local and global scales, 2) how fine-scale changes in plant-microbiomes scale to influence community interactions and ecosystem function, 3) how global change will re-shape interactions among microbial communities, plant communities, plant microbiomes, and ecosystem function and 4) how do multiple student identities shape student comfort within STEM classrooms and retention in STEM disciplines.
What are the drivers of biodiversity at local and global scales?
Since the time of Wallace and Darwin, global biodiversity patterns have fascinated scientists; however, the most diverse area in the world, the soil, still remains a mystery. To understand the biodiversity and abundance patterns of belowground communities, as well as the factors that drive them, we conducted a meta-analysis synthesizing 325 globally distributed microbial communities with undergraduate collaborator Nick Hendershot (Hendershot et al. in review). Overall, we found that unlike aboveground organisms, the diversity and abundance of soil microbial communities show no ubiquitous trend with elevation or latitude (temperature). Further, we found no pattern in abundance or diversity with precipitation, soil pH, land-use history, taxonomic group, or biome type.
As a follow-up, we focused strictly on plant-symbiotic fungal communities to explore and predict global distribution patterns of plant-associated fungal diversity and abundance. Combining fungal distribution data from the Colorado Rocky Mountains, Chinese Tibetan Plateau, northern Sweden, and the Swiss Alps with previously published fungal communities, we found no consistent pattern in fungal distribution across climatic gradients, even though plant host distribution is tightly linked to temperature. As a follow up, we have explored the site-specific factors that shape fungal distributions across climatic gradients, by combining observational and manipulative field and pot experiments in the greenhouse and the field.
Do fine-scale changes in plant microbiomes scale to influence community interactions and ecosystem function across the landscape?
Changes in the composition of microbiome communities can alter plant host phenotype and performance, which can scale to shape plant community dynamics and ecosystem function. Using mesocosm approaches, we have demonstrated that changes in diversity and composition of microbiome communities regulate host function. Specifically, we have shown that microbiome strain and community composition influences host gene and metabolite expression, which, influences host phenotype, photosynthetic efficiency, and productivity in model plant species, Populus deltoides and trichocarpa (Fig 1). However, these studies reveal that changes in gene expression or phenotype are not easily predicted using predictive genomics or plant responses to single-strain inoculations, suggesting that microbe-microbe may drive the outcome of microbiome-host function interactions. Linking microbe-microbe and microbiome-host interactions to natural plant community dynamics and ecosystem functioning is a research priority.
How will global change re-shape interactions among microbial communities, hosts, and ecosystem function?
Global change alters plant productivity and carbon allocation to symbionts, which feedback to alter the structure and function of belowground endophytic fungal communities. To explore how global change is re-shaping the distribution of plant and fungal communities and the subsequent feedback to community composition and ecosystem function, I am currently collaborating within two globally-distributed, manipulative experiments that explore linkages between biodiversity and ecosystem function. I am working within the Nutrient Network (NutNet) to explore the response of root and leaf fungal endophyte communities to nutrient addition and herbivory at 30 globally-distributed sites. This work has revealed that biodiversity loss of the plant community mediates biodiversity and functioning in leaf and root endophyte communities. Additionally, within the Warming and Removal experiments in Mountains (WaRM) network, I am exploring on how warming and biodiversity loss impacts soil microbial communities and ecosystem-level carbon fluxes at 12 sites globally. Within both research networks, I address critical global change questions while being able to contextualize site-specific results within long-term biogeography, climatic properties, edaphic properties, and disturbance history.
How do multiple student identities shape student comfort within STEM classrooms and retention in STEM disciplines?
Empirical evidence overwhelmingly supports the value of implementing active-learning pedagogies (ALPs) to improve student performance, to reduce achievement gaps in under-represented groups, and to enhance well-being and social classroom climate. However, the social aspects of ALPs, may differentially impact students who possess one or more identities that have been historically marginalized in science, such as sexual orientation, political affiliation, religion, race/ethnicity, or first-generation status. Recent research by our group has demonstrated that nearly all students identify with at least one minority social identity, often several. However, research has focused primarily on single identity facets like binary gender or ethnicity/race. Social interactions among peers and instructors may heighten awareness of social differences for students that that identify with multiple marginalized identities, leading to feelings of isolation, reduced sense of belonging, reduced engagement, and reduced performance within ALP courses. The proposed project will measure a broad-suite of social identities salient in STEM classrooms to understand how identities shape perceptions of in-class interpersonal relationships with peers and instructors, perceptions of institutional inclusivity, perceptions of disciplinary inclusivity, and how these factors impact retention of marginalized identities in STEM majors and careers.